Since ever service minded, we provide installation, staff training at customers site and service together with our reputated partners around the world. Our high tech Pfaff KSM Mark III units offer in case of technical problems an excellent fault finding chart assisted by Skype service if needed. Of course our customers can contact us nearly 24/7 by fon or email.
And we can guarantee a spare parts availability for not only 5 years like the most of our competitors, no, we provide them for 10, 15 or plus X years. We have nearly 4 millions spare parts on stock. Because our philosophy is that our Pfaff KSM Mark III machines have to run for decades, for which they are finally built for.
And we don´t want to sell only new expensive parts like the most of our competitors. The majority of our Pfaff KSM Mark III electronic devices will be repaired immediatly from our technical staff. So we offer our customers a cheap way to keep their machines working even after 10 or more years.
And we don´t want to sell only new expensive parts like the most of our competitors. The majority of our Pfaff KSM Mark III electronic devices will be repaired immediatly from our technical staff. So we offer our customers a cheap way to keep their machines working even after 10 or more years.
We offer our customers a worldwide dealers net with factory trained technicians for fast service response.
Please contact us to inform about your local dealer address.
For the expansion of our worldwide dealers net we are permanently searching for new representations. If you are interested, please let us know directly.